General terms and conditions (GTC) for the use of services of the company Schneesportschule Zauberberg eU
In the absence of a separate agreement, the following general terms and conditions apply between customers and the Schneesportschule Zauberberg eU when using the services of the Schneesportschule Zauberberg eU:
1. General, scope
The company Schneesportschule Zauberberg eU (hereinafter: "SSS-Z") provides its services exclusively on the basis of the following General Terms and Conditions (GTC). These apply to all legal relationships between the SSS-Z and those persons who use the services of the SSS-Z (hereinafter: "customer"), even if no express reference is made to them. The company purpose of SSS-Z is the operation of a snow sports school (ski school/snowboard school). This includes, in particular, services such as the provision of lessons in the skills and knowledge of skiing and snowboarding (without guaranteeing a specific training success).
The version valid at the time the contract is concluded is decisive. Deviations from these and other supplementary agreements with the customer are only effective if they have been confirmed in writing by SSS-Z.
Insofar as designations relating to natural persons are only given in the masculine form in this contract, they refer to women and men in the same way.
2. Contracting Party
The customer's contractual partner is
Schneesportschule Zauberberg e.U.
Südbahnstrasse 16/22
2680 Semmering
Telephone: 0681 20 80 80 68
Email address:
3. Order and conclusion of contract
The SSS-Z advertises its services on its website,, as well as on other websites. A contract can be concluded between SSS-Z and the customer both electronically (contract acceptance by confirmation e-mail) and on site in the SSS-Z ski school area (conclusion of contract by handing over a coupon).
4. Prices
The prices published on the homepage and other communication media are checked and carefully processed. Information in price lists is without guarantee. We are not liable for any printing errors. The prices are given in EURO. The prices are quoted exclusive of sales tax (exempt from sales tax - small business owners in accordance with § 6 Para. 1 Z 27 UstG).
5. Method of Payment
The customer can choose between online transfer and cash payment for the desired service.
6. Privacy
The customer agrees that the personal data transmitted by him when ordering services, namely first name, last name, date of birth, home address, language, e-mail address, telephone number SSS-Z for the processing and implementation of the contractual relationship processed between SSS-Z and the customer and may be stored for possible future business relationships. If a contract is concluded, all data from the contractual relationship will be stored until the end of the tax retention period (7 years). After aborting the shopping process, the data stored by us will be deleted.
The customer agrees that image material created as part of the service provided for him may be used for company purposes (homepage, folder, social media). The customer can terminate this consent at any time or obtain the deletion of materials already used.
7. Consent to be Contacted for Marketing Purposes
The customer expressly consents to SSS-Z contacting the customer by e-mail, no more than twice a year, in order to inform them about new and existing SSS-Z services. The customer can revoke this consent at any time by e-mail, by post or by telephone.
8. Withdrawal by the customer
The customer is entitled to withdraw from the concluded contract at any time against payment of the cancellation costs listed below.
To exercise the right of withdrawal (cancellation), the customer must send a declaration of withdrawal by post or email to the following address/no. or to contact the SSS-Z by telephone:
In the event of withdrawal by the customer, SSS-Z is entitled to charge the following cancellation costs:
In case of lack of snow or operational disruptions of the mountain railroads: free of charge
up to 7 days before the start of the booked service: free of charge
from 7 days before the start of the booked service - in the event of illness or accident or similar, which makes participation in the booked service impossible - a refund of the paid fee is also possible within the last 14 days before the start of the booked service if the customer submits a medical certificate to SSS-Z.
from 24 hours before the start of the booked service, 100% of the price must be paid without a sufficient reason. In the event of illness or accident or similar, which makes participation in the booked service impossible, corresponding medical, court or other official confirmations must be submitted. Payments already made will only be refunded if there is a valid reason, including confirmation.
9. Resignation by the SSS-Z
If the weather conditions do not guarantee the performance of the booked service for safety reasons, the SSS-Z has the option of postponing or canceling the booked service. If the booked service is canceled, SSS-Z undertakes to reimburse the customer for the fee paid for the booked service within 21 days of the cancellation.
10. Accident Insurance
The customer acknowledges that practicing skiing and snowboarding involves risks. The customer also acknowledges that the rescue of people in mountain distress, in particular by air and mountain rescue, can lead to high costs. The customer is recommended to take out appropriate leisure insurance (in particular to reimburse rescue and air rescue costs), especially since SSS-Z is not liable for such rescue and air rescue costs, unless SSS-Z has covered these rescue and/or air rescue costs intentional or grossly negligent conduct on the part of SSS-Z, its legal representatives or its vicarious agents.
11. Group Lessons
Group lessons take place with a minimum of 5 people. The SSS-Z decides on the implementation of group courses with fewer than 5 people.
The maximum number of people in a ski or snowboard group is 9 people. In exceptional cases, this number can be increased by 1 person while maintaining homogeneity of performance within the group. The group size can also exceed 10 at the customer's request. The maximum permitted group size according to ÖSSV guidelines is 12 people.
Groups for ski courses are allocated by the SSS-Z. The customer also has to accept a change in the group assignment made after the start of the course, in particular an assignment to a less advanced ability group, by the SSS-Z.
The customer must follow the instructions given to him by SSS-Z, its legal representatives and its vicarious agents. Disregarding a warning entitles the SSS-Z to immediately terminate the contract. Participation in the services of the SSS-Z ski school by customers who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs also entitles the SSS-Z ski school to terminate the contract immediately. In the above cases, the customer is not entitled to a refund of the fee paid.
The SSS-Z reserves the right to merge groups if the SSS-Z believes that the performance homogeneity is maintained.
12. Warranty
The SSS-Z guarantees the customer that the booked service corresponds to the contract, but without guaranteeing the customer any success.
13. Liability
The SSS-Z is not liable for damage unless the damage is based on intentional or grossly negligent behavior on the part of the SSS-Z, its legal representatives or its vicarious agents. This exclusion of liability does not apply to completely unforeseeable or atypical damage that the customer could not have expected.
In particular, SSS-Z assumes no liability whatsoever for damage that the customer inflicts on himself or other persons during the performance of the agreed service or is inflicted on him by them.
The customer is advised that not wearing a crash helmet in the event of injury may constitute contributory negligence on the part of the customer, which is why the customer is recommended to wear a crash helmet. There is a legal obligation in austria to wear a helmet up to the age of 15.